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What is it?

A methodology for pinpointing the underlying causes of scrap learning associated with a training program using five key metrics.

Why is it important?

Ensuring a positive return, of both time and money, on a training program is of utmost concern to C-level executives. It should be of equal interest to business professionals concerned about training. However, research indicates that the amount of time and money wasted on training programs is 45–​85%(ATD 2019). This gap between training delivered, but not applied, is known as scrap learning—​the flipside of training transfer. Regardless of the percentage, scrap learning is a critical business issue because it wastes time and money.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Decisions based on opinion, intuition, and gut feeling are no longer in vogue. Data-driven decision making is the new norm. Predictive learning analytics, and its use of data to pinpoint the underlying causes of scrap learning associated with a training program, is part of this new norm.

Scrap learning, or the difference between training delivered but not applied back on the job, has been around forever. Scrap learning is the three-thousand-pound elephant in the room whenever business executives and learning professionals engage in a discussion about using a particular solution to address a performance gap or need. It’s the elephant in the room because both the business executive and learning professional are fully aware that scrap learning exists. However, neither one wants to talk about it because, previously, there has never been a way to measure, monitor, and manage it.

Consider the effect scrap learning has on an organization’s average per-employee training expenditure and the average number of training hours consumed per employee. According to the Association for Talent Development’s 2019 State of the Industry Report, in 2018, the average organization spent $1,299 per employee on training(ATD 2019). And the average employee spent 34 hours in training. When 45% or more of that is wasted, it is easy to see how much scrap learning costs the average company.

Predictive learning analytics offers a solution to cut this waste by using data to pinpoint its underlying causes(IBM, predictive analytics)(SAS, predictive analytics).


About Ken Phillips

Photo of Ken Phillips

Ken Phillips is founder and CEO of Phillips Associates and the creator of the Predictive Learning Analytics(PLA) learning evaluation methodology. He has more than 30 years of experience designing learning instruments and assessments and has authored more than a dozen published learning instruments. He regularly speaks to Association for Talent Development (ATD) groups, university classes, and corporate Learning and Development groups. Since 2008 he has presented at the ATD International Conference and Expo and since 2013 at the Annual Training Conference and Expo on topics related to measurement and evaluation of learning. Ken also is a contributing author to five books in the Learning and Development field.

Term: Predictive Analytics



What is it?

Risk-free, hands-on learning environments that provide materials, tools, technologies, and support services for learners to transform ideas into projects and products.

Why is it important?

Typically set in physical locations, makerspaces foster curiosity and creativity by enabling participants to learn by doing. Consider what it means to tinker—​to explore what you have on hand, see how things might fit together, and try your hand at creating something.

Makerspaces provide that opportunity to tinker—​individually and collaboratively—​and share our insights along the way. They establish risk-free environments that leverage everything good that comes from giving learners agency to initiate their own learning processes and determine their own pathways to success (or failure).

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Business professionals can use makerspaces to create environments where employees can envision, prototype, and create business solutions. And employees can participate in some of the many makerspaces that have been created as part of this movement(Makerspace).

Key questions to consider that can guide the impact of a makerspace on your organization:

  • Challenge: What do you want your learners to walk away with?
  • Process: What steps do they need to take in order to meet the challenge?
  • Resources: What tools and parts will they need to make their designs happen?
  • Guidance: What expertise needs to be on hand to help learners?
  • Collaboration: What opportunities will learners have to collaborate?
  • Safety: What precautions can you put in place at each stage of the making process to allow learners to safely fail, iterate, re-make, and innovate?
  • Showcase: Where will you showcase the makerspace products?
  • Conversation: How will you continue the conversation and continue to engage the community?

A makerspace is not just about making—​it’s about sharing, modifying, iterating, failing, and re-making. We need more spaces (in-person and virtual) where we can do just that. Many of us learn best by doing, and we need more spaces in our work where we have opportunities to try, and maybe even fail.

Most makerspaces that serve the DIY and builder movements put safety first. This is how, and why failure is ok—​nobody gets hurt! Failure can result in iteration, and iteration can result in innovation.

New theories, new practices, and new approaches unveiled in makerspaces can spawn innovations that can shape the future of the business.


  • (Makerspace-1) What is a makerspace?: An academic perspective on makerspaces with a great overview and introduction to what a Makerspace is. Includes playbooks and project ideas.
  • (Makerspace-2) Makerspace: This site has a Makerspace directory and links to Make magazine, Maker Faire events, and Maker Shed kits you can buy to create innovative tech-based materials.

About Donna Marie Andress

Photo of Donna Marie Andress

Donna Marie Andress has been teaching & learning for nearly 40 years. Passionate about tech integration and professional development (PD), she is a retired member of the Saratoga Springs City School District, where she was a 16-year veteran of the classroom, then moved into the role of Educational Technology Specialist. For 18 years, Donna worked directly with teachers and students, designed PD courses, wrote documentation, produced training videos, and assisted with systems management. She has also been a certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) & MIE Master Trainer and a Technology Test Kitchen Chef. Donna is currently a contract trainer and instructional designer with Instructure.

Term: Makerspace


Twitter: @andressIT


What is it?

The science of making machines intelligent through automated data analysis and model building in a way that requires little human oversight. This type of artificial intelligence (AI) is based on the idea that computers can learn to make better decisions through the analysis of data.

Why is it important?

So why is machine learning important today? You are likely interacting with systems using it already. Voice-to-text processing uses machine learning to improve based on the way you speak. Amazon uses machine learning to recommend products, and your email is likely using machine learning to identify spam mail. The rapid expansion of computer power and big data processing has made machine learning accessible for the masses, including the learning and development industry.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Machine learning involves the processing of data to help a computer make better and better decisions. Amazon recommending a product based on your past purchases and your email application determining if a message is spam are both examples of machine learning.

Machine learning is all around us. Business professionals need to understand the potential of machine learning. The development of systems that employ machine learning is complex and requires data scientists with an understanding of data modeling and algorithms.

Instead of focusing on the technical, consider potential solutions. If banks use machine learning to identify clients with high financial risk, can you leverage similar analysis to head off potential dropouts with an early, personalized learning intervention? If transportation companies use machine learning to outline the most efficient route for delivery drivers, can you use machine learning to optimize your work processes?

With additional automation, it is easy to draw your focus away from the end user who benefits from the new process or system. Business professionals must keep in mind data privacy and cyber security. Adhering to industry best practices and clearly communicating how an employee’s data is being used are both critical to minimizing the risk of a data leak and maintaining the trust of employees.

A final warning to keep in mind is that machine learning has the potential for bias. Bias is an incorrect assumption in the learning algorithm that can skew results. Review and validation are critical to minimizing the potential for bias.


  • (IBM 2020) Machine Learning: IBM Cloud Education. (July 2020). An introduction to machine learning, including an overview of history, definitions, applications, and concerns.

About W. Duncan Welder IV

Photo of W. Duncan Welder IV

Duncan Welder holds a master’s degree in educational technology and has more than 20 years experience implementing solutions, domestically and abroad. Duncan, an xAPI enthusiast, is passionate about leveraging data to personalize the learning experience. He presents regularly at industry conferences on learning standards.

Duncan has held faculty positions at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and the College of the Mainland, Texas. He has been published in Learning Solutions, Training Magazine, and US Business Review.

Term: Machine Learning


Twitter: @duncanwiv


What is it?

A full 360-degree digital environment that merges interactive 3D digital assets, along with audio and haptic feedback, with your real-world environment. Augmented reality overlays a virtual experience with the real environment, for example, allowing you to view an item in the real world with an explanation virtually overlaid.

Why is it important?

Augmented Reality (AR) gives you the ability to have a virtual presence anywhere and share 3D assets through a headset, mobile device, or computer.

Organizations use AR for recruitment, on-boarding, learning, insurance, and marketing; safe handling of dangerous objects; and to bring objects from the past into the present. Many mobile devices contain LIDAR technology making it possible to create digital 3D assets on the fly.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

As they have done with most technologies, younger learners in K12 and higher education have embraced AR technology and are using it in their classrooms as an educational tool and also as a way to socialize with each other. It’s a glimpse into how your future workforce will communicate, team-build, collaborate, and pass on knowledge.

As a marketing tool, AR goes beyond consumerism. You can use it to share your mission statement with your workforce and to create employee evangelism within your organization, and it can even help with things like social responsibility and company sustainability efforts.

AR can be used as a powerful storytelling tool that can improve KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) through empathy, and it can even supercharge your employee training in industries such as medicine, education, advertising, healthcare, retail, construction, film, journalism, travel, art, home DIY, automotive, farming, food, and many more. There is literally not a single industry out there that AR couldn’t help.

The technology is changing how we interact with employees, but it’s also changing how brands interact with their customers and even changing B2B interactions.

As a new generation of employees enters the workforce, organizations should be prepared to understand how virtual tools like AR play a role not only in their education efforts but also in the way employees socialize. You need to be current with technology if you want to hold on to your new hires and be competitive in your industry.

Augmented reality is a companion technology to virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR).


About Shane Santiago

Shane oversees creative, strategy and implementation at Bravely. Shane has brought big ideas to world-renowned brands like Marriott International, Johnson & Johnson, The Jacksonville Jaguars, Under Armour, Disney, Discovery, the NBA, Discovery Channel, Paramount Pictures, and Sony Pictures. He’s been published in top industry publications, such as Advertising Age, ADWEEK, Communication Arts, and Mashable. Shane earned his BS in advertising at the University of Florida and has served as chair of the University’s Advertising Advisory Council. Shane also spent time as the Chair of the American Advertising Federation's National Innovation Committee (NIC).

Term: Augmented Reality



What is it?

A methodology for improving the performance of individuals and organizations. Human performance improvement (HPI) looks for performance gaps, analyzes root causes, and helps you create a plan that produces sustainable performance improvements.

Why is it important?

HPI is a systematic process that improves your ability to identify and address the root causes of performance issues. It helps you build effective partnerships and allocate resources to create lasting solutions to performance problems. The HPI process is multidimensional, addressing issues such as learning gaps, organizational culture, leadership issues, rewards and recognition, and other barriers to desired performance.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

In today’s highly interconnected, fast-changing organizational environment, addressing pressing challenges and opportunities requires a multi-faceted approach. Enter human performance improvement, a process that enables you to better understand root causes and deploy a systems approach to create end-to-end solutions that produce sustainable performance improvement.

Overview of the process:

  • Clarify priorities: Define how the problem or opportunity fits into your strategic mission, what the desired outcomes are, what success should look like, and how to create alignment with strategic priorities.
  • Conduct a root-cause analysis: Address the question of what the current performance problem is, what factors created it, and what an effective desired outcome looks like.
  • Define key roles, stakeholders, and actions to build commitment: Lasting change comes from a coalition of stakeholders. Identify clients, sponsors, and key stakeholders, and determine their level of commitment to change.
  • Create a project plan: Identify timelines, trade-offs, action steps, key resources and dependencies, potential risks and mitigation. Define shared responsibilities, expectations and clarity regarding how success will be measured.
  • Implement defined solution(s): Keep stakeholders informed, identify key trade-offs, and be clear about what, why, how, and when each player contributes to change.
  • Measure outcomes: Based upon agreed-to success criteria from the first step, capture data to tell the story of results achieved. Define what is needed to sustain success.
  • Conduct an after-action review: Capture learnings from the initiative and use them to improve in the future.

Engaging in a human performance improvement project can solve organizational problems more effectively, build traction, and create productive win/win relationships.


About Marjorie Derven

Photo of Marjorie Derven

Marjorie Derven is a change management consultant with RGP, a global consulting firm that enables rapid business outcomes by bringing together the right people to create transformative change. Marjorie has worked with many of the world’s best companies to align people practices with strategic imperatives. She has served on NY HR Strategy & People, ATD, and the OD Practitioner boards and as a senior fellow at The Conference Board. Marjorie is a frequent presenter at global conferences and has authored dozens of articles.

Term: Human Performance Improvement



Twitter: @mderven


What is it?

Information, solicited or unsolicited, that provides an opinion on how a person has performed something.

Why is it important?

We are a work in progress. Each of us is at a unique point in our personal and professional journey, and we all have things that we can improve. Feedback is an important source of input to help us improve. Ask: How am I doing? What might I do better? Depending on self-awareness level, feedback is an excellent way to start on a journey of self-improvement.

Feedback is a gift. Sometimes it is criticism. It is still valuable information from which to operate. Ask: Is this a belief I want them to have? If not, seek ways to change that belief. Don’t filter feedback. Ask questions to clarify.

And always say thank you.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Every solid business professional acknowledges the importance of feedback. It should be something that you seek out for personal and professional growth. It is also something that a good business professional is willing to proactively share with others in an effort to help them learn and grow.

Providing good feedback should be a pleasure! As a practice, you might want to mark your calendar every week for some time to send positive feedback and thank you notes. Regularly sharing good feedback and appreciation will build trust and respect with your colleagues and staff.

Providing constructive feedback should be done tactfully and with care. It’s important that the recipient of the constructive feedback understand your motive. If someone trusts you and believes you care about their success, they are more likely to receive and use the feedback. If they question your motive, they may not appreciate the feedback, and in some cases, might get defensive. As best you can, make it safe, and ensure they understand your intention. Like all things, practice makes perfect. The more you share feedback, the better you’ll get.

The most successful business professionals are adept at both giving and soliciting feedback. It’s worth the time and effort!

About Theresa Hummel-Krallinger

Photo of Theresa Hummel-Krallinger

Theresa is an award-winning comedian, having won two Emmys for her work on the PBS talk show, “Counter Culture.” She is a well-respected training professional and performance consultant.  Known for her lively and interactive presentation style, she is a frequently requested speaker on leadership, career management, organizational culture and workplace communications. She has been a featured speaker at numerous regional and international conferences. 

Term: Feedback



Twitter: @theresahk



What is it?

The methodology by which we validate the results of a given learning strategy.

Why is it important?

There’s no greater challenge for those that have the great responsibility and privilege to support organizational performance than to show the effectiveness of their efforts. More often than not, learning and development (L&D) teams are very efficient at developing solutions but not so much at evaluating them. Evaluation is critical to demonstrating whether your learning efforts are worth their cost.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Business professionals need to justify educational programs. In addition to measuring learner performance, evaluations can form an important tool for making a business case for your learning programs.

You can use evaluations in two roles. Formative evaluations (is it working?) take place while content is being designed or delivered. They can take many forms, including surveys and tests. They determine whether things are going well. Summative evaluations are an after-action report on the learning content (did it work?).

In 1959, Donald Kirkpatrick created the four levels of training evaluation, with the aim of guiding the evaluation of educational courses (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006, p.21). The four levels are Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results. Here is a summary of the levels:

  • Level One, Reaction: The learner’s reaction to the experience. Kirkpatrick called this a measure of customer satisfaction.
  • Level Two, Learning: Change in attitude, knowledge, or skill.
  • Level Three, Behavior: Observable changes in learner behavior. For example, people are trained to use a new piece of machinery; supervisor attests to proficiency on the job.
  • Level Four, Results: Achievement of the initial objectives. For example, did sales increase? Were accidents reduced? Has employee turnover changed for the better?

Evaluation results are only as good as the objectives they refer to. Without a proper analysis of needs, most efforts will suffer from GIGO (Garbage-In, Garbage-Out) problems. Regardless of the model and scope of the evaluation, it is good to use both formative and summative approaches.


About Alexander Salas

Photo of Alexander Salas

Alexander Salas is an award-winning instructional designer with over 15 years of experience specializing in the blend of learning technologies and gamification for performance outcomes. Since 2007, Alex has worked in every facet of corporate learning and performance enablement for Fortune 100 enterprises such as Philips Healthcare, Centene Corporation and Dell Technologies. When he’s not creating amazing learning experiences, you can find Alex giving back to the industry at large with articles, workshops, conferences, and podcasting.

Term: Evaluation




What is it?

The degree to which a learner pays attention to the content and interactions, reacts to and participates in the activities, and responds to the instructor, other learners, and technology throughout a learning experience.

Why is it important?

Engagement traditionally is one of the first indicators of whether learning has a chance to be effective. Engagement does not need to be connected to liking something or disliking it, though disliking something may lead to disengagement. It’s important to understand how engagement is connected to retention and application, how it differs among learners, and how to build it into learning programs in ways that appeal to a variety of learners.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Ask a learning and development professional what’s most important in a training initiative and their first response is likely to be: engagement. The participants need to be engaged, the trainer needs to know how to engage them, and the topic needs to be put together in a way that is compelling.

Research has repeatedly shown that engagement is directly connected to retention(Stephenson 2020)(Korobova 2015). A learner must respond to the training content and then remember it for any training experience to be applied on the job.

Here are 5 simple ways to create engagement and motivate learners:

  1. Create friendly, open, safe, and encouraging learning environments where participants feel comfortable taking chances and at ease communicating with the instructor and one another.
  2. Set clear expectations for the learning goals and objectives. Participants are engaged when they know what they are doing, why they need to do it, how it will be accomplished, and what, exactly, a successful outcome looks like.
  3. Challenge participants to be active with the learning process, to do something with the content being covered, and to find their own ways to apply it in their own environments.
  4. Reward and recognize their efforts. Participants engage when they are seen, heard, and included.
  5. Stay connected with open communication and dialogue, allowing participants the flexibility to adjust how they are learning, work through challenges with assignments, and build camaraderie with the instructor and others along the way.


About Kassy LaBorie

Photo of Kassy LaBorie

Kassy LaBorie is the principal consultant at Kassy LaBorie Consulting. She is a professional speaker, author, and facilitator who specializes in virtual engagement using web conferencing technology to connect around the globe. She’s known for believing that being online is certainly equal to, and in some cases, better than, being in-person! She has authored Interact and Engage! 75+ Activities for Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars, and Producing Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars with ATD Press.

Term: Engagement



Twitter: @KassyConsulting


What is it?

A way to demonstrate and communicate an achievement to a wide variety of online platforms.

Why is it important?

Being able to communicate effectively what you know and are able to do to others is an essential component of being an effective learner and successful in your career.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Successful learners do more than accumulate knowledge and skills. It is also important to communicate effectively what you know and are able to do. On the surface, a digital badge typically consists of a brief title and an image representing an activity. When you click on the badge you access the details of the activity, including who issued the badge, what was done to earn the badge, and sometimes a link to evidence demonstrating the skill or knowledge signified by the badge.

A digital badge is more specific than a resume or CV (which is only a summary of your experience and credentials) or an academic transcript (which typically lists only courses and grades).

Digital badges are commonly issued to recognize achievement in formal educational settings as well as in continuing education, training, and professional development. A digital badge is easily shared via online platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter and can also be embedded in a web page or e-portfolio.

As you accumulate badges, you acquire a visual representation and summary of your knowledge and skills, making it easier to identify strengths and gaps in your education and professional development activities.

Digital badges also help gamify an experience when grouped together to demonstrate an increasing level of mastery. Digital badges can be stacked into something more comprehensive that is sometimes labeled a micro-credential.


About Chris Price

Photo of Chris Price

Chris Price is the academic programs manager for the SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD). At the CPD, Chris designs and implements professional development programs for faculty and staff both in and outside SUNY. Prior to his position with CPD, Chris was director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at The College at Brockport, SUNY, for 12 years. He received his PhD in political science from the University at Albany in 2004.

Term: Digital Badges


Twitter: @chrisprice117


What is it?

A validation of competence, as compared against a set of standards and rigor, by a third-party certifying organization. Certification is like licensing, but licenses are legally required for certain jobs. Certifications are voluntary.

Why is it important?

The knowledge, skill, and attitudes assessed for a certification come from a competency model, which is a framework of interrelated knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values derived through a rigorous research and validation process.

Certification plays two roles in the work of professionals. It may be required as a work assignment, or a person may choose to seek certification. Certifications exist in many fields. See the notes for several in the learning field(CPTD)(CPT)(CTT+).

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Business professionals might encounter certification in their work. They might also be responsible for launching or managing a certification program and need an awareness of how to create and manage these programs.

Establishing a certification program includes the development of:

  • A competency model
  • A certification exam
  • Assessment criteria for demonstrating competence
  • Training to ensure that assessors act consistently
  • Requirements for maintaining the certification
  • A code of ethics to which professionals who receive certification must adhere
  • Training to prepare people for certification

If you are seeking certification, whether for yourself or members of your staff, make sure that the certification is a useful credential—​rather than a certificate that is inappropriately marketed—​and that hiring managers recognize the certification.

Business professionals might also need to assess or validate a certification provided on a job applicant’s resume to determine whether the certification validates the competence claimed by the applicant.

Certification is often confused with certificates. A certificate recognizes the successful completion of the requirements of an educational program. However, those who receive certificates are not certified. Certification typically requires a test of knowledge, ensuring familiarity with the body of knowledge of the field and its application in common work situations. Candidates must also demonstrate competence at doing the work, as assessed by a review of completed work or a demonstration of skills to a panel of assessors. Certification may also require real work experience, meaning a minimum specified number of years working in the field.

Most certifications require maintenance or re-certification through the completion of continuing education and other requirements to stay current in the field.


About Saul Carliner

Photo of Saul Carliner

Saul Carliner, PhD, CTDP, is a Professor of Educational Technology at Concordia University in Montreal. Also an industry consultant, he specializes in the design of instructional and informational materials for the workplace, managing groups who produce those materials, and related issues of policy and professionalism. His books include the best-selling Training Design Basics, award-winning Informal Learning Basics, and the recent An Overview of Training and Development: Why Training Matters and Career Anxiety: Guidance Through Tough Times. He is President of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, a Fellow and past board member of the Institute for Performance and Learning, and a Fellow and past international president of the Society for Technical Communication.

Term: Certification
