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Term of the Week: Microlearning

What is it?

A snippet of training content that can stand alone, microlearning is streamlined to have a very tight focus on a single, bite-sized concept.

Why is it important?

Learners are busy and their minds are overtaxed. Microlearning can ease their path by offering content in small bursts that are more likely to resonate and stick.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

Highly concentrated training in the form of microlearning helps decrease a learner’s cognitive load and increases the opportunity for learning transfer. While technically not defined by length, microlearning is typically accomplished in five minutes or less and focuses on one terminal learning objective or task. Think of a typical training session as a meal and microlearning as a tasty morsel.


About Karin Rex

Photo of Karin Rex

As a learning experience architect, Karin Rex saves adult learners from the mind-numbing effects of boring training by hand-crafting rich, engaging learning experiences. Since 1989, Karin has owned Geeky Girl, LLC, where she devotes her time to writing, course development (microlearning, eLearning, instructor-led, blended), and teaching. Karin especially loves facilitating in, and designing for, the virtual classroom because it allows her to connect with a global audience without having to pack a suitcase!

Term: Microlearning


