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Term of the Week: Learning Management System (LMS)

What is it?

A software application used to administer, track, report, and deliver training to a range of learners, including internal employees, software users, and university students.

Why is it important?

Learning management systems (LMS) make it easier to disperse knowledge to multiple audiences and make eLearning more efficient, scalable, and effective. LMS technology is evolving, and with newer technologies, they are becoming more widely used in the corporate environment.

Why does a business professional need to know this?

A large part of how businesses create value is through distributing knowledge. Knowledgeable employees are able to effectively help their customers, knowledgeable customers are able to successfully use the business’s products, and knowledgeable prospective customers are able to confidently choose the right product in the first place. A learning management system helps businesses systematically store, deliver, and track content so they can more effectively distribute knowledge.

If your company does not have an LMS, you should investigate to see if one can help your company. If you do much in-house training, the odds are that one will.

If your company has an LMS, then you should gain at least a basic understanding of its capabilities and its impact on your business. This enables you to take advantage of those capabilities to increase your knowledge, and the knowledge of your employees.

Capabilities vary by vendor, what features have been purchased, and what level of access you are allowed to have. If you know the features that are available to you, you can make the best possible use of your LMS.


About Phily Hayes

Photo of Phily Hayes

Phily Hayes has worked on 100s of LMS implementations from the vendor side and spoken at multiple conferences internationally on the topic.

Term: Learning Management System
